From 140 €
From 16th to 17th November

Carte blanche à Yves Moisdon

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Horaires et date d'ouvertures

  • From 16th to 17th November


  • Price per person : 140 - 190 €

November 16 and 17: PALIS – Carte blanche to Yves Moisdon For adults and adolescents, led by Yves Moisdon, landscape gardener. Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. €140 to €180 on weekends. “The art of gardens” Based on the history of the Tournefou garden and the different stages of its creation, Yves Moisdon, landscape gardener, actor in its development, invites you to think about the composition of a garden: poetry spaces, plants, choice of colors, lights, dialogue of the senses and essences, emptiness and fullness, colors and materials, evolution with the seasons… Plan seasonal clothing suitable for the outdoors. Possibility of continuing practical training the following week. Contact: +33(0)3 25 40 58 37 –