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Horaires et date d'ouvertures
- From 1st to 31th August
- Adult : 21 €
- Child rate : 9 €
From August 1 to 31: COUSSEGREY – “Cluedo à la Ferme” at the Ferme des Damoiselles on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mademoiselle Chèvre is everywhere on the posters and farm products, but no one seems to know his real name. It’s a very well-kept secret… Or a forgotten story… An old prophecy says that one day the intrepid will come. The sun will be high in the sky to celebrate the event. The inhabitants of the farm will come together to help him. The riddle will be solved and Miss Goat’s name will be revealed to the whole world. Maybe you are the fearless one? Do you feel up to the challenge? Participation of €5, 1 free scoop of ice cream. La Ferme des Damoiselles 7 route de Prusy in Coussegrey, Tel: +33(0)6 63 09 55 15,