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Horaires et date d'ouvertures
- From 15th to 16th June
- Price per person : 170 €
June 15 and 16: PALIS – Course: Public speaking For adults, led by Francisco Marques, theater man and Anne-Hélène Labat, professional coach. Saturday and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. €170 per weekend + professional training rate. Succeed in your public speaking with theatrical techniques: understand the different dimensions, body, voice, breathing, gaze, gesture to know yourself better, better manage your emotions and develop your impact in public speaking, during a two-day course. Ideal professional training for elected officials, business leaders, teachers, students, etc. Possibility of support for professional training (under certain conditions). Contact us. Contact: +33(0)3 25 40 58 37 –