From 11th May to 31th August

“La boutique”

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Horaires et date d'ouvertures

  • From 11th May to 31th August

From May 11: CHAOURCE – “The boutique” trend and creation workshop, at 7 grande rue. Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Find all year round in your store: jewelry, clothing, accessories, decoration, jams, art and crafts. With: Art’no Créations Sculptures, Jewelry by Louisa, decoration and framing by Carrément Cadres, jams from Comptoir des Confitures, wire creations by Delphine Regneault, Paintings by Pascale Rouillot, clothing by Unik, scented candles. You will also occasionally find the work of many artists and craftsmen: Chardonnet Myriam (ceramic), Coeur d’hale (ceramic), Etienne/R (metal and resin sculptures and lamps), Ficelle et filament (creations from objects antiques), Claire Grosjean (ceramics), la Fleur aux dents (natural soaps), l’Atelier de Séverine (textile creations), l’Atelier de Valérie (upholsterer decorator), les belles à Mâcher (creations in papier-mâché), Peyroux Laurent (furniture creation), Olyza creation (textile creation) and many others.