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- The 17th July 2024 at 2.30PM
Wednesday July 17 – CHAOURCE – Playground – next to the school at 2:30 p.m. – For several years, Léa has developed a passion for threads and fabrics of all kinds, which she piles up in her Alibaba cave. Patterns, textures and colors mix and tangle, and little by little, the sewer draws on them to assemble her stories, whether for children or adults. For the tales, it is the same as with its fabrics: scraps and pieces are kept, then assembled, into a large patchwork. Stories resurface, hidden under the storybook shelf of memory. A solo of tales sometimes mixing visual supports and puppets, or only traditional tales… the stories are woven according to desires, location, encounters and themes. Sometimes a musician can join the adventure! At the same time, the network of libraries and reading points will welcome two author-illustrators, as part of La Fabrique du Livre – Interbibly and the DRAC Grand Est, with the support of the Grand Est Region, are organizing cycles of artistic practice and mediation cultural activities led by local youth authors-illustrators. From 5 years old – duration: 50 minutes – Free entry