The 23th March at 10.00AM


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Saturday March 23: AIX EN OTHE – Micro-madness. La Micro-Folie is a digital museum which provides access to masterpieces from major cultural institutions such as the Louvre Museum, the Orsay Museum, the Paris National Opera, the Avignon Festival, the Cité de music or even the Château de Versailles. A cultural and friendly place to live, the Micro-Folie is a free system supported by the Ministry of Culture and managed by La Villette in Paris. From 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Creative workshop around animals. Discovery of works of art before a small workshop on customizing the Pompon bear. Duration: 1 hour – From 3 years old – By reservation. Registration required: +33 (0)3 25 46 75 00