A bit of history: The word “hosiery” comes from a woolen, then cotton hat, which has been in use for a long time, since the Middle Ages. Now it refers to the manufacture of knitted clothing and particularly socks, stockings and lingerie. Aube was the flagship department for the production of “Troyes, capital of knitwear” knitwear. The cultivation of flax, hemp, sheep farming, imported cotton provided the raw materials to supply the weaving workshops (sheets, canvas for body linen) thanks to the manufacturers who worked at home, additional income for the peasants of the Pays d’Othe. The Aix textile industry is old; in 1787, 45 cotton-treading mechanics employed around 150 people. At the end of the 18th century, weaving declined and hosiery took over. The department will specialize in the manufacture of stockings; From 1830 begins the industrial revolution and industrialization takes place: the population will live to the rhythm of the factories, their expansion and then their decline. Hosiery kept Aix and its surroundings alive for 67 years (1936-2003). You will discover with the ID VIZIT application what remains of the main Aix factories by 2 circuits prepared by the ARPA association (Animation and Research in the Aix Country). The application is very easy to download to your mobile phone. It offers many other visits concerning our heritage, historical heritage and the richness of our natural environment.