Circuit des petits bois



  • Distance : 18 km
  • Dénivelé total : 269 m
  • Dénivelé positif maximal : 48 m
  • Dénivelé négatif maximal : -74 m

PDF documents

  • Circuits des Petits Bois.pdf

17 km circuit from Planty. Parking on the church square. To discover on the way: Planty: country bounded … without play on words. The peasants, peasants and peasants showed their feelings of possession and attachment to their land by a unique demarcation in the Aube. For a perimeter of 19 km, there were more than 85 crowbars planted to delimit the lands of the country with those of neighboring parishes. In Villemaur-sur-Vanne in the wood of Luteau: the Stone with Ten Fingers is one of the largest polisher in the department of Aube (almost 2x2m) and one of the most worked with twelve grooves strongly marked and seven bowls polishing. It owes its name to a legend that St Flavy, a young shepherd, has relied on the stone of his ten fingers to get up. It is strongly discouraged to use the hiking trails during the hunting season. DOWNLOAD THE CIRCUIT IN: MORE INFORMATION