Site d’observation de la nature de Davrey

Historically, the territory’s watercourses and their watersheds have been developed for different uses (exploitation of hydraulic power with mills, agricultural development with drainage, rectification of watercourses …). These developments have led to a significant deterioration in the ecological quality of watercourses, reflected in particular by: a loss of biodiversity in aquatic and humid environments; a disconnection of wetlands with their watercourses; a deterioration in the physico-chemical quality of the water; However, these environments have a major role to play both in terms of maintaining the local ecological balance (role of ecological corridor, habitat and source of food for wildlife), as in health terms (role of filter of diffuse pollution) and public security (slowing down of floods). Thus, thanks to collaborative work between the Municipality of Davrey and the Community of Communes of Chaourçois and Val d’Armance, the Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant de l’Armançon has created an unprecedented ecosystem restoration project by its scale and its assembly, in order to halt the degradation of the natural environments on the territory. The hydromorphological restoration of rivers is a major environmental issue. The restoration of the Armance and Landion on the Davrey site made it possible to reconnect the wetlands by creating in particular: 5 ponds; A wetland of 3 hectares; 5000 m² of valleys and spawning grounds. The main objective of opening to the public is to discover and raise awareness of aquatic and humid environments, their ecologies, as well as their heritage and landscape interests. Thus, 6 thematic panels have been installed and address the following themes: Ponds, valley and platière; Ornithology; Botany and aquatic plant species; Rivers (habitats, typology); History of the activity of the valley (breeding in particular); Wetlands and their interests. To this, other educational facilities have been installed on the site including: Two ornithological observatories allowing bird watching on the plateau; A path connecting the path of the Association Foncière de Remembrement (AFR) along the Landion and the path of the AFR along the Armance; A gateway to cross the Armance river. A part of the walking route accessible to wheelchairs in the northern part is planned. This Landion and Armance restoration project, in addition to being beneficial for the aquatic environment, fits perfectly into the local tourist dynamic. Indeed, there is a discovery walk in the town of Davrey, to learn more about the heritage of the village. This walk has a path, “Le chemin de la Prairie”, which already allows you to walk alongside the Landion. The SMBVA project, having restored and developed this path, will allow visitors to circulate and observe the fauna and flora typical of wetlands as best as possible during this walk.